Saturday, August 14, 2010

You Tube Video

The above music video can be found on you tube (a video sharing site). This video looks like a children's show because of the animal characters and animation, but may be inappropriate for a younger audience. The video contains a strong environmental message, refers to humans as being enemies and is opposed to eating meat. The video also has some moderately strong images of the way humans treat animals, and uses the term 'make love, not war'. The video also suggests that the animals might seek revenge!!
For older children, however, this video could be an engaging way to begin a SOSE unit that explores environmental themes, and the different perspectives and groups involved. The video could also provide a good writing stimulus, particularly if wanting students to write from different points of view (perhaps as one of the animals). The video could also be a good way to introduce different writing purposes and styles, such as persuasive writing.
What do you think, would you use this video, or is it too controversial ?


  1. Great Sadi, you found a fantastic resource that would have many uses in the classroom. You mention a few great ideas, one more to add to your list would be music. Kids now days love to rap and you could get them to write a rap about something they feel strongly about. I do not think that this podcast is to controversial, can one call the truth controversial? Having said that I would not use it in the lower primary years for obvious reasons. Again, what a great find!

  2. Thanks Cameron, I needed reminding that the use of technological tools and videos can also be beneficial in the arts, including music. Technology and Art may seem to be in opposition at times, but I can see that there are also many benefits. Technology can be enhanced by Art practices and Art can be enhanced by technology. There are many similarities to these learning areas.

  3. Hello Sadi,
    I personally do not think this video is controversial but as you said perhaps this video would best be suited for older more mature students. This video is rather engaging and produces a strong environmental message in a creative way. I agree with your comments on how this video could be used when beginning a SOSE unit. If the students initial understandings are engaged they will most likely have a positive learning experience. Good job Sadi!

  4. After viewing so many varieties of you tube movies on students blogs. I have widened my understanding of the educational benefits of movies, as being more than just an engagement tool.
    Videos can also model what you would like students to do. There are so many good instructional videos, such as a video on how to make pancakes (that can then be used for process writing or cooking).
    Videos can also be used to deliver complex knowledge, through simultaneously combining more than one way for a variety of learners to gain understanding (words, images and sound)!
